Shipping policy

Order summary

  • Order deadline: 12:00
  • Order handling: 1-2 business days
  • Order dispatch: 4-7 business days
  • Free shipping

Delivery Country
We currently only deliver to United Kingdom.

Order Confirmation
Once you have placed your order, you will receive a confirmation email. This means we have registered your order in our system and started processing it.

Shipping Costs
We cover shipping costs for every order. All our products are delivered to your home 100% free of charge. There is no minimum order quantity.

Delayed Orders
If the maximum order processing and shipping time has passed and your order has not yet arrived, please do not panic. Allow for up to 2 business days and remember to use your tracking code. If your package still has not arrived, please contact us with your order number.

We accept exchanges. If you need to exchange your product, please contact us at

Damaged or Incorrect Orders
Have you received your package but it's damaged or the items are incorrect (for example, wrong size or color)? No problem! Take photos of the issue, briefly explain what is wrong, and contact us with your order number.

If you have any questions about the shipping schedule of your order, feel free to contact us via email. Our customer service team is happy to assist you.


Satin-Horizon is brought to you by Dorcas Shop Barneveld, a company registered in Netherlands

KVK: 41236410


Gelreweg 22

3771 AL Barneveld

How to reach our customer support?

Phone: +447451267407


Business Hours: 

Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 19:00